Wild Flowers


There is always something magnificent about a meadow in full flower. If you have an area that you would like to look beautiful while benefiting the environment, please check out our range of mixtures and contact us if you have any questions.

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Our Centivintennial mixture celebrates our 120-year anniversary. Containing twenty-one UK native wildflowers, designed to offer impact in the first year and longevity. Creating a permanent meadow that flowers from April to October, providing habitat and food sources for pollinating insects. This mixture supports bees, butterflies and other pollinators, with 86% of the species recommended by the Royal Horticultural Society as Perfect for Pollinators.

6%Birdsfoot Trefoil
2%Bladder Campion
2%Common Knapweed
4%Corn Chamomile
6%Corn Cockle
9%Corn Flower
6%Corn Marigold
6%Field Scabious
6%Forget Me Not
7%Meadow Buttercup
2%Ox Eye Daisy
2%Ragged Robin
6%Red Campion
6%Salad Burnet
3%White Campion
4%Wild Clary
10%Browntop Bent
25%Chewings Fescue
25%Creeping Red Fescue
10%Crested Dogstail
10%Meadow Fescue
10%Hard Fescue
10%Smooth Stalked Meadow Grass


Our Constable mixture contains thirteen UK native wildflowers, mixed in with our carefully selected blend of attractive and ornamental non-aggressive grasses, worthy of appreciation in their own right. Providing a stable way of establishing a beautiful meadow using an attractive variety of native species, offering a range of colours throughout the flowering season. This mixture supports bees, butterflies and other pollinators, with 77% of the species recommended by the Royal Horticultural Society as Perfect for Pollinators.

10%Birdsfoot Trefoil
12%Black Medick
9%Field Scabious
9%Common Knapweed
10%Ladys Bedstraw
8%Meadow Buttercup
4%Ox Eye Daisy
3%Common St Johns Wort
10%Ribwort Plantain
6%Salad Burnet
10%Self Heal
10%Browntop Bent
25%Chewings Fescue
25%Creeping Red Fescue
10%Crested Dogstail
10%Meadow Fescue
10%Hard Fescue
10%Smooth Stalked Meadow Grass


The Gainsborough wildflower mix has been formed to include less species than the Constable Mix, however there are far more seeds of each wild flower specie included. This improves the chance of establishment especially in areas where the soil is quite fertile and the grasses are allowed to grow quickly and dominate. This is a beautiful mixture which is completed by the attractive non-aggressive meadow grasses, worthy of appreciation in their own right. This mixture supports bees, butterflies and other pollinators, with 75% of the species recommended by the Royal Horticultural Society as Perfect for Pollinators.

10%Birdsfoot Trefoil
15%Field Scabious
12%Common Knapweed
12%Ladys Bedstraw
12%Meadow Buttercup
8%Ox Eye Daisy
15%Ribwort Plantain
16%Self Heal
10%Browntop Bent
25%Chewings Fescue
25%Creeping Red Fescue
10%Crested Dogstail
10%Meadow Fescue
10%Hard Fescue
10%Smooth Stalked Meadow Grass

Church Cornfield

It is possible to create a striking meadow of annual cornfield flowers, containing five UK native wildflower species. When this mixture is established, the result of this creates stunning colours, which can also be used to improve existing grassland.

10%Corn Poppy
25%Corn Flower
17%Corn Marigold
8%Corn Chamomile
40%Corn Cockle


Containing three UK native wildflower species. When this mixture is established, the result will create a stunning display consisting of the colours of the Union Jack.

20%Corn Poppy
50%Corn Flower
30%Corn Chamomile

Bumblebee and Butterflies

This is an excellent way to attract bees, butterflies and many other insects. This mixture is not only ideal for domestic wildlife projects but can also be suitable for farmers

20%Essex Broad Red Clover

6kgs per acre/15kgs per hectare

Wildflower Seeds

There are numerous wildflower mixtures available for a wide range of situations and soils i.e. acid soils, damp loamy soils, calcareous soils, hedgerow and light shade, woodland, heavy shade, water margins and pond edges. It is therefore possible to construct a mixture to suit your needs and situation from the list of common names of wildflower species.