Our grass mixtures are formulated to provide both sports turf managers and general home users the very best surfaces possible. If you want your amenity grass to perform, then it is vital to start by selecting and sowing the right mixture.
The quality of the seed that goes into each of our bags is so important. Our mixtures have been designed to deliver first class results, whether it is for a lawn, football pitch, golf course, cricket pitch, bowling green or tennis court!
If you would like to discuss any of your requirements, please do not hesitate to call Harry.
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- CB15 Perfectionist
- CB20 Quick Fix
- CB25 All Rounder
- CB30 Premier Cricket
- CB35 Outfield
- CB40 Premier Croquet & Bowls
- CB45 Economy Pitch
- CB50 CSA Rescue Ryegrass Cool Season Active
- CB55 CSI Premier Pitch Creeping, Spreading, Innovative
- CB60 Premier Pitch
- CB65 Racecourse & Polo
- CB70 Fescue Greens
- CB75 Bent Greens
- CB80 Rye Greens
- CB85 Links Course
- CB90 CSI Tees Creeping, Spreading, Innovative
- CB95 Rye Fairway
- CB100 Tees, Approaches & Fairways
- CB105 Rough
- CB110 Conservationist
- CB115 Coastal Mix
- CB120 Sportsfield Renovation

CB-15 Perfectionist
A fine and luxurious traditional Fescue and Bent seed mixture for exceptional golf green quality. Offering a superior, high quality and beautiful lawn with a wow factor!
35% | Slender Creeping Red Fescue |
30% | Strong Creeping Red Fescue |
30% | Chewings Fescue |
5% | Browntop Bent |
CB20 Quick Fix
Quick patch repair mixture. Combining Annual Ryegrass – the fastest establishing seed currently available, with Perennial Ryegrass which offers excellent wear tolerance.
50% | Dwarf Perennial Ryegrass |
50% | Annual Ryegrass |
CB25 All Rounder
A great, multi-purpose, everyday mixture that will deliver a lawn for all round family use, whilst giving quality and good appearance with high tolerance levels.
40% | Dwarf Perennial Ryegrass |
40% | Strong Creeping Red Fescue |
20% | Chewings Fescue |
CB30 Premier Cricket
This mixture provides a fine, dense sward, excellent shoot recovery, quick establishment with high wear tolerance from the stress that is caused by close mowing and heavy rolling.
100% | Dwarf Perennial Ryegrass |

CB35 Outfield
Offering quick establishment with high wear tolerance, shoot density and regrowth from wear. Tetraploid Ryegrass offers exceptional colour. Ideal for both overseeding and for the construction of outfields.
25% | Dwarf Perennial Ryegrass |
20% | Tetraploid Dwarf Perennial Ryegrass |
10% | Chewings Fescue |
10% | Slender Creeping Red Fescue |
35% | Strong Creeping Red Fescue |
CB40 Premier Croquet & Bowls
Providing excellent shoot density, recovery, colour and tolerance to close mowing. An ideal mixture for the construction and renovation of Golf and Bowling Greens and Croquet Lawns.
40% | Slender Creeping Red Fescue |
40% | Chewings Fescue |
20% | Browntop Bent |
CB45 Economy Pitch
Delivering outstanding wear tolerance, establishment and recovery. Ideal for the renovation of sports pitches with an adequate renovation window.
80% | Dwarf Perennial Ryegrass |
20% | Smooth Stalked Meadow Grass |
CB50 CSA Rescue Ryegrass Cool Season Active
Specifically designed for Autumn / Winter overseeding. Offering rapid establishment even under low soil temperature (3-5°c). Annual Ryegrass delivers the fastest low temperature establishment. Tetraploid Ryegrass offers rapid establishment and improved disease resistance. The inclusion of a Cool Season Perennial Ryegrass with Mediterranean genetics gives rapid germination and growth in cold temperatures.
40% | Annual Ryegrass |
40% | Dwarf Perennial Ryegrass |
20% | Tetraploid Dwarf Perennial Ryegrass |

CB55 CSI Premier Pitch Creeping, Spreading, Innovative
The inclusion of Tetraploid Ryegrass delivers fast establishment, improved colour, drought tolerance, nitrogen efficiency and disease resistance. The addition of Creeping Perennial Ryegrass encourages a thicker sward as it spreads via reproductive tillers as it establishes over time, repairing damaged turf quickly. A good quality economical renovation mixture that delivers great results.
40% | Dwarf Perennial Ryegrass |
30% | Creeping Dwarf Perennial Ryegrass |
30% | Tetraploid Dwarf Perennial Ryegrass |
CB60 Premier Pitch
Producing a hard wearing, dense surface that recovers quickly from damage. An ideal mixture for pitches in stadium environments all the way to your local football pitch.
100% | Dwarf Perennial Ryegrass |
CB65 Racecourse & Polo
Designed for both the construction and renovation of courses. Offering good colour and deeper rooting. The inclusion of Tetraploid Ryegrass delivers fast establishment, improved disease resistance and drought tolerance
40% | Dwarf Perennial Ryegrass |
40% | Tetraploid Dwarf Perennial Ryegrass |
20% | Smooth Stalked Meadow Grass |
CB70 Fescue Greens
Offering superior shoot density and recovery from disease. A high-quality fine Fescue mixture designed for the construction, renovation and species exchange of greens.
50% | Slender Creeping Red Fescue |
50% | Chewings Fescue |

CB75 Bent Greens
Provides excellent colour and performance year-round. This mixture will help with the reduction of Poa Annua, while allowing a closer cut with higher wear tolerance compared to 100% Fescue.
100% | Browntop Bent |
CB80 Rye Greens
Ideal for the renovation of extremely heavily worn greens. This mixture provides fast establishment, high wear tolerance, excellent recovery, high shoot density with exceptional fineness of leaf.
50% | Dwarf Perennial Ryegrass |
40% | Slender Creeping Red Fescue |
20% | Browntop Bent |
CB85 Links Course
100% fi ne Fescue blend designed for Links golf courses. Highly resistant to disease, which can reduce fungicide inputs. High drought tolerance to reduce water requirements.
40% | Slender Creeping Red Fescue |
20% | Chewings Fescue |
20% | Strong Creeping Red Fescue |
20% | Hard Fescue |
CB90 CSI Tees Creeping, Spreading, Innovative
With a combination of Tetraploid and Creeping Perennial Ryegrass, this mixture delivers rapid establishment for worn, shaded turf that will recovers well from damage. Exceptional hard-wearing mixture which offers density and improved disease resistance.
30% | Slender Creeping Red Fescue |
30% | Tetraploid Dwarf Perennial Ryegrass |
20% | Dwarf Perennial Ryegrass |
20% | Creeping Dwarf Perennial Ryegrass |

CB95 Rye Fairway
A mixture designed for the renovation of high traffic tees and fairways. The inclusion of Tetraploid Perennial Ryegrass offers improved drought tolerance and disease resistance, while also reducing your fertiliser requirements. Combining hard wearing Perennial Ryegrasses with fine Fescues ensures dense, hard-wearing fairways that recover well from wear while offering good appearance.
15% | Dwarf Perennial Ryegrass |
15% | Tetraploid Dwarf Perennial Ryegrass |
10% | Chewings Fescue |
20% | Slender Creeping Red Fescue |
40% | Strong Creeping Red Fescue |
CB100 Tees, Approaches & Fairways
This mixture ensures the production of a truly first-class fine turf sward. It is important to have a clean seed bed free from coarse species so that you can witness all the benefits of these fine varieties.
30% | Chewings Fescue |
50% | Strong Creeping Red Fescue |
20% | Slender Creeping Red Fescue |
CB105 Rough
Attractive when left uncut, open sward that will not slow down play unnecessarily. This mixture can include wildflowers to add extra colour to your course providing nectar to insects. Very slow regrowth, with year-round colour reducing fertiliser requirements.
15% | Slender Creeping Red Fescue |
40% | Strong Creeping Red Fescue |
30% | Hard Fescue |
15% | Crested Dogstail |
CB110 Conservationist
A diverse grassland mixture for conservation areas, ideal for use with wildflowers due to a wide range of seed heads and leaf morphology.
30% | Strong Creeping Red Fescue |
25% | Hard Fescue |
15% | Smooth Stalked Meadow Grass |
15% | Chewings Fescue |
10% | Timothy |
5% | Browntop Bent |

CB115 Coastal Mix
Coastal areas are subject to salty conditions and often drought. The species in this mixture are selected due to their tolerance of both and drought, with excellent performance on free draining and sandy soils.
30% | Strong Creeping Red Fescue |
30% | Dwarf Perennial Ryegrass |
20% | Tall Fescue |
20% | Hard Fescue |
CB120 Sportsfield Renovation
A good quality, economical sportsfield renovation mixture that delivers great results. The inclusion of Tetraploid Perennial Ryegrass delivers fast establishment, improved colour, drought tolerance, nitrogen efficiency and disease resistance
20% | Tetraploid Dwarf Perennial Ryegrass |
80% | Dwarf Perennial Ryegrass |
- Grasses – Know your varietiesKnow your Amenity from your Agricultural and distinguish between varieties such as Brown Top Bent, Chewings Fescue and Dwarf Perennial Ryegrass.