
Grasses – Know your varieties

Grasses – Know your varieties

Amenity Grasses

Brown Top Bent

This is the finest and highest quality grass which makes it an essential component for a first-class lawn.

Chewings Fescue

A very fine fescue which is distinguished by its strong root and sward development. It has excellent tolerance to frequent close mowing and has a low rate of leaf increase which makes it an ideal mixing component with other fine leaved varieties.

Dwarf Perennial Ryegrass

Low cutting frequency, good persistence, hard wearing, quick to germinate and establish. Works well with other low growing species like red fescues.

Hard Fescue

A highly drought tolerant, low nutrient grass. Able to tolerate close mowing. Flexible in its diverse range of uses.

Slender Creeping Red Fescue

A dense species that has a creeping growth habit. Has a finer leaf and has less aggressive growth, which makes it better suited to creating fine, high-quality lawns.

Smooth Stalked Meadow Grass

Known to be one of the greenest grasses in spring. When mown short it is a valuable addition to a lawn. If left to grow, it offers food for several insects.

Strong Creeping Red Fescue

As the name implies, this grass has creeping rhizomes. More vigorous than similar species which helps to create a dense, hardwearing lawn. The shallow roots help to remain green even in drier soils.

Agricultural Grasses


Produces high yields in late summer. It is sometimes used as a special purpose grass on the drier, free-draining soils of East Anglia. It is often used in strips to provide habitat for aphid eating beetles.

Meadow Fescue

A large fescue which is excellent for early grazing and can be made into hay.

Italian Ryegrass

These grasses grow quickly and early for a short duration. They provide the bulk of hay and under suitable management, continuous grazing.


Fast growing, useful for quick cropping, patching of leys and building up humus in orchards.


High yields with a very good first conversion ut at 67D. Excellent ground cover and mid-season digestibility.

Perennial Ryegrass

These vigorous grasses are durable, long lasting and tiller well. They form the basis of most pastures and their root capacity makes a big contribution to soil humus and thus soil fertility.

Crested Dogstail

A traditional grazing grass, which helps fill the base of the sward. Grows well late into the season. Used in traditional pastures and alongside wildflowers.