All of the grasses we use in our mixtures are listed by The Sports Turf Research Institute (STRI). Each cultivar is selected by us to ensure their all-round performance regarding tolerance of close mowing, shoot density, fineness of leaf, cleanliness of cut, winter/summer greenness and the ability to grow strongly after mowing.

A Top Quality Ornamental
A fine and luxurious, traditional fescue and bent mixture for exceptional golf green quality. Offering a superior, high quality and beautiful lawn with a wow factor. Suitable for top quality lawns, low wear tennis courts, croquet lawns and putting greens.
70% | Chewings Fescue |
30% | Browntop Bent |
B Fine Lawn
An ideal mixture for a low wear and maintenance golf green like lawn, providing good germination with excellent year-round colour
90% | Creeping Red Fescue |
10% | Browntop Bent |
C Economy
A versatile mixture, with excellent wear tolerance offering good sward density. Suitable for both winter and summer sport pitches.
70% | Dwarf Perennial Ryegrass |
30% | Creeping Red Fescue |
D Superior All Rounder
An excellent mixture for rapid renovation and construction of lawns. The inclusion of Perennial Ryegrass combined with fine fescues and bent grass ensures a dense, hard-wearing lawn for all round family use whilst giving quality and good appearance.
45% | Creeping Red Fescue |
15% | Chewings Fescue |
35% | Dwarf Perennial Ryegrass |
5% | Browntop Bent |
E Shady Lawn
A high-quality mixture that is specifically designed to create an excellent lawn in shaded areas.
40% | Creeping Red Fescue |
40% | Dwarf Perennial Ryegrass |
20% | Hard Fescue |
Sowing Rate
We recommend sowing @ 68g/m2 on bare soil. If you are over seeding, we would recommend 30g/m2

- Grasses – Know your varietiesKnow your Amenity from your Agricultural and distinguish between varieties such as Brown Top Bent, Chewings Fescue and Dwarf Perennial Ryegrass.