See our full range of spring and winter beans; tic beans, broad beans, runner beans and climbing beans.
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Spring Beans
Maris Bead
A Church of Bures variety. The round seed is small and is predominantly used for the pigeon trade. Medium/early ripening and good standing power. For an established variety it has good Downy Mildew resistance.

Broad Beans
The most popular variety for autumn sowing and as such produces consistent high yields and beans of superb eating quality. A favourite with gardeners and commercial producers.
Bunyard Exhibition
This high yielding white seeded variety has long pods which make it ideal for picking.
Early white-eyed variety with black and white flowers. Very popular with commercial growers.
Giant Exhibition
White seeded variety with long pods of excellent quality. Good variety for the fresh market.
Imperial Green Longpod
Excellent quality green seeded variety. Long pods containing 6 -7 seeds per pod.
Imperial Green Windsor
Pods shorter than the longpod varieties but with 5-6 excellent quality beans per pod.
Masterpiece Green Longpod
This variety has green seeds and produces pods similar in length to Bunyard Exhibition.
The Sutton
Early heavy cropping dwarf variety. Rather short pods about 4-5 beans per pod. Height 1’/30 cm.
Early variety producing a high yield of broad well-filled pods and a tasty crop.

Runner Beans
One of the best varieties for pulling. Has long pods of very fine texture.
This variety produces an abundance of long pods of fine texture. Excellent table quality.
Scarlet Emperor
Although this variety has been on the market for many years it is still very popular particularly with the amateur gardener but also with Commercial Growers.
A reliable favourite. Long podded, good for table use and for exhibition. Very popular with the vegetable gardener and commercial producer.

Climbing Beans
Blue Lake
White seeded producing round pods like dwarf French beans. These are for fresh market, but also suitable for freezing.